Drag City

Six Organs

Burning The Threshold

  A new Six Organs of Admittance record will be arriving in 2017. Burning The Threshold will be released Feb 24th on Drag City.   A song from the record can be listened to at NPR here. This record is the first non-hexadic acoustic oriented record since 2011’s Asleep On The Floodplain. It features a […]

Six Organs

New Six Organs releases

  There’s a few new Six Organs releases either just out, or on the way. After spending so long working on the Six Organs Hexadic system, It’s like the damn broke.   First one of note is Hexadic II. This is the follow up to the first Hexadic. The songs are related, using the same

Six Organs


    A few weeks ago we announced a new Six Organs of Admittance record, Hexadic, to be released Feb 17th, 2015 on Drag City. This release is the result of years of working on a new way to compose music. We’ve been using the word “system,” but it would probably be more accurate to describe it as

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