
Six Organs

Hexadic resources and sounds

Hello. It’s been forever since I’ve posted. Finishing the book up and going on tour kept me more busy than I have been in years. But I am happy to say that the book and the cards are finally finished. I can’t believe it.       I was happy to have these on the […]

Six Organs

Hexadic differences

  Enough comparisons to Eno’s Oblique Strategies have been popping up in reviews of Hexadic that it has made me wonder: have I been too oblique myself in describing the Hexadic system? Let me explain some differences (and similarities).   – The Hexadic system presents the actual notes that one plays (or can play: they represent

Six Organs


    A few weeks ago we announced a new Six Organs of Admittance record, Hexadic, to be released Feb 17th, 2015 on Drag City. This release is the result of years of working on a new way to compose music. We’ve been using the word “system,” but it would probably be more accurate to describe it as

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